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Tchi-tchi-tchi! A mysterious sound puzzles Gillou, a tight-rope walker/contortionist…
He draws closer and discovers Toyo.
Toyo is a cold and stiff yet hollow construction hose… what a boon!
Coline the violonist, make sing Toyo ; all sorts of sounds seem to come out of him…
Gillou tames Toyo, they adopt each other at once, and as Gillou is really, but really very flexible, he slides inside and settles down there like a Pagurus Bernardus! well… better known as a hermit crab.Toyo becomes Gillou’s shell, a costume, a tightrope artist’s act ! Or even a windsock, a periscope, a plane, a house…
Gillou steps over him, goes through him in every direction, folds up and twists, gets tangled up and even stuck sometimes !
No worries, Coline is here, and helps him out. Then he jumps back into it, hides there totally and disappears for a few moments… before exiting from the other side !Then we hear the violin playing ; Gillou falls under the spell of the melody, and with Toyo, they escape in a melancholic dance. Really, they both love each other…
Then they invite Coline to join them, Gillou huddles in Toyo, Coline steps on his back trying to keep her balance, and the violin sings sweetly and majestically the music of Gillou and Toyo’s story…
Dates of the show
Casting :
Creation team :
Director : Antoine Rigot, Julien Lambert
Artistic Collaboration : Agathe Olivier
Music Creation : Coline Rigot, with participation of Antoine Berland
With :
Circus Artist : Gilles Charles-Messance
Musician : Coline Rigot alternating with Coline Ellouz and Adèle Salomé
Partners :
Production : Les Colporteurs
Residence : Village de Saint-Thomé
Thanks : L’Azimut - Pôle National Cirque en Île-de-France - Antony/Châtenay-Malabry