Bosch's paintings express in depth the beauty of human nature and soul but also the pain and suffering undergone by lost human beings.
If, as Shakespeare put it, the stage is the mirror of humankind, it is also a suitable place where to overcome collective fear, claim dignity, celebrate expression and call for freedom.
The Garden of Earthly Delights stands out in Jérôme Bosch's paintings as it was not commissioned by the church, and eludes all dogmas, theological judgments or religious stances.
The painter then positions himself as an observer of the world, getting swept into his wandering imagination, he offers us a fresco in which a utopian wonderful freedom meets the nightmarish cruel darkness of the world.
We find this attitude interesting and inspirational to create a tragicomic metaphor of his work in a show. It will be made up of five movements : the creation of the world, when man and woman meet, knowledge and delight, awareness and blindness, and the end of the cycle, the mysterious future !
S. Testa - La Provence - January 2017
Dates of the show
Currently, there is no new date for this show.\For more information about the next dates or if you are interested in this show, please contact us.
Casting :
Artistic advisor : Agathe Olivier
Director and production assistant : June Claire Baury
Circus Artists : Orianne Bernard or Camille Magand, Gilles Charles-Messance, Anatole Couety, Julien Lambert, Lisa Lou Oedegaard, Agathe Olivier
Musicians : Antoine Berland, Coline Rigot
Technical direction : Pierre-Yves Chouin
Sound manager : Stéphane Mara
Lights manager : Olivier Duris
Stage manager : Max Heraud
Big Top managers : Jean-Christophe Caumes, Tom Khomiakoff, Christophe Longin
Technical Conception : Nicolas Legendre in collaboration with Max Heraud
Musical composition : Antoine Berland
Lights and video conception : Mariam Rency, Olivier Duris
Costumes, accessories & masks : Hanna Sjodin, Fredericka Hayter
Administration/Production : Fanny Du Pasquier
Booking : Oceane Guenerie
Partners :
Production : Les
Co-productions et accueils en résidences : Furies, Châlons-en-Champagne, PNAC en préfiguration - Grand Est ● Théâtre Firmin Gémier / La Piscine, Antony, PNAC d’Île-de-France ● Archaos, Marseille, PNAC Méditerranée.
Co-productions : Fondation Jheronimus Bosch 500, ’s-Hertogenbosch (Pays-Bas) ● Festival Circolo, Liempde (Pays-Bas) ● Plate-forme « 2 Pôles Cirques en Normandie I La Brèche à Cherbourg – Cirque Théâtre d’Elbeuf » ● La CitéCirque, Bègles ● La Cascade, Bourg-St-Andéol, PNAC Auvergne Rhône-Alpes ● Théâtre du Vellein, scène conventionnée de Villefontaine.
Projet soutenu par : Le Ministère de la Culture - DGCA ● La Région Ile-de-France ● l’ADAMI ● la SPEDIDAM.
La compagnie Les Colporteurs est conventionnée par la DRAC Auvergne Rhône-Alpes, la Région Auvergne Rhône-Alpes, le conseil départemental de l’Ardèche et est soutenue par la Ville du Teil d’Ardèche.